Final concept piece~
Here was my initial sketch. I followed various lines and focal points found within a typical thirds composition. For the image itself I knew I wanted to play with perspective a little to give a more intimidating appearance to the insect. I also placed the "camera" lower to add to this effect as well.
I also wanted to include some form of prey item so I decided on a cricket. This helps give the insect scale as it is relative to an actual insect. The addition of a prey item also indicates the hostility and insectivorous nature of the insect. The reasoning behind me choosing not to have the insect killed but to have it flee was to emphasize the insects lack of vision rather than its incompetence at hunting.
From the sketch I layered various greens and yellows to get an idea for the lighting and environment as a whole by using large and varied brushes. As environments are not my strong point, I tried to create something simple that supported the design of the creature rather than looking realistic or innovative. While painting at this stage, I decided that I wanted my insect to be revealed by the light, as if it lay in wait.
As I worked on this stage of the image, I switched back and fourth between the creature and the background as I wanted to leave some of the background colourations in the insect to stop it from feeling like it was separate from it. I began laying down basic tones and colours on my insect focusing on light and shadow. I used a variety of brushes for this stage, mainly ones with textured edges and sharp brushes for finer painting. I wanted the image to look very green in the hope that the claws of the insect would contrast, but not too much. For the background I decided on painting mushrooms due to the mushroom shaped head of the insect, adding a little camouflage.
After finishing most of the tonal work on the insect, I began to add detail and highlights with finer and more controlled brushes. I also began adding shadows to the different sections of the insect to indicate the direction of light. I also added the proboscis and membranes in the mouth and other goodies.
More detail work! I started bringing the piece together by refining areas of detail, painting up the cricket and rendering more shadowed areas. I also worked on the environment a little more, although I am still not too happy with it.
For this stage I added a multiply layer and began refining the insect even more focusing purely on light this time. I added motion blur to the cricket to give a sense of motion (obviously). I did try adding blur to the left claw of the insect, although it looked very out of place and bland.. More work on the background and details!
Here is the final image. I added more indications of light and some particle effects here and there. I added some texture to the background to give it a bit more life. I also played around with the levels to pack more punch into the lights and midtones. I can't say i'm too pleased with the final image, some aspects feel rushed and others feel very bland and not thought out... I do enjoy areas of the insect that rendered pretty well though.
From this painting though, I will definitely be doing some environmental studies and such to help me in the future. I still have a lot to learn about digital painting and I am still relatively new to it, but that shouldn't phase me.