Saturday, 16 January 2016

Personal stuff - zBrush Models.

Over the past few weeks I have been developing my skills with zBrush and various other programs via experimentation or research into techniques and workflows.

This first model was a quick sculpt of a head. I was toying with the idea of a very muscular and visceral face. I decided to focus mainly on the face as that was my main idea without worrying about the rest of the body.

The model came out relatively well in my opinion. I put most detail into the front and sides of the model as my original plan was to create a render and export it over to photoshop. At the end, however, I disliked the outcome and decided to scrap the rendering process and move onto a newer model.

Here is the second model I created. As before, I focused more on the head and torso as I wanted to port the model to photoshop to paint over and complete the concept. I decided to do a rough paint over within zbrush to toy with the colours and explore my options. Looking back at the model, I noticed that I had made the mistake of painting on light and shadow onto my model instead of allowing the zBrush renderer to create them!

Here is the final image created from the render I exported to photoshop. I added my own lighting (which in retrospect was a terrible idea and is something I should work on!) I also painted in additional details and added more depth to the image via a gradient and fading out areas of the model that were further back.

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